
With ES6 developers have new built-in methods to make it easier working with Strings, Arrays, Objects and Numbers.


The spread syntax allows arrays, objects and array like objects (e.g. arguments object, DOM node objects) to be expanded in places where multiple arguments (for function calls) are expected.


Arrow functions are a simpler and more concise way to declare functions and inherit the feature to solve the “this” problem in javascript.


Template Literals – Probably the most comfortable way to concatenate strings and variables that hold values.


Default paramters in a function are preset parameters, which are used when no arguments are provided in the function call that overwrites them. ES6 provides us now with a very simple and intuitive way to declare them.


Before ES6 (ECMASCRIPT 2015) came out the only way to declare a new variable was via the keyword “var”. ES6 introduced two new ways for developers to declare them: “let” & “const”.