Async await improves how we handle asynchronous code. It is built on top of ES6 Promises and aims to give a cleaner and more concise syntax.
Tag Archive for: es6+
With ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) Modules become finally native to modern Browsers. In this article I will explain how you can use them in your projects.
The Rest Paramameter collects all the remaining elements into an array. It is a sibling of the Spread Operator and uses the same syntax of three dots “…”.
ES6 brings us a better version of object literals. We will write less code to reach the same result.
With ES6 we get a convenient way of extracting multiple values from data stored in (possibly nested) objects and Arrays.
Javascript Promises arrived natively with ES6 and are essentially a simpler way of dealing with asynchronous (async) operations in comparison to traditional callback-based approaches (ES5).
With ES6 developers have new built-in methods to make it easier working with Strings, Arrays, Objects and Numbers.
The spread syntax allows arrays, objects and array like objects (e.g. arguments object, DOM node objects) to be expanded in places where multiple arguments (for function calls) are expected.
Arrow functions are a simpler and more concise way to declare functions and inherit the feature to solve the “this” problem in javascript.